Votes are in and the favorite character is...Madison Yattamori! Aneko was close, but Madison won by one vote. New poll out soon!
Thanks for coming to my blog ^o^.
This is a blog where you can rate and comment on my pictures, and read "M.S.A.A. BLEACH", which follows Mariya Shecker (A.K.A. Mariya Yattamori) in her adventures in the world of the Soul Society and the World of the Living, based off Tite Kubo's original story, "BLEACH" .
New parts come out every Thursday, so come back soon!
This is a blog where you can rate and comment on my pictures, and read "M.S.A.A. BLEACH", which follows Mariya Shecker (A.K.A. Mariya Yattamori) in her adventures in the world of the Soul Society and the World of the Living, based off Tite Kubo's original story, "BLEACH" .
New parts come out every Thursday, so come back soon!
Toshiro Hitsugaya

Toshiro Hitsugaya: Captain of Squad 10
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Death and Reincarnation (Madison Shecker's Story) pt. 33
"...It's weird to think that what just happened, well, just happened. But it was an accident, so it wasn't really my fault, right. But, then again, I did enjoy it, so I guess I do take some blame. Still, that still shouldn't give him permission to keep the farthest distance he can from me. It just makes him look so immature. Seriously, I wonder sometimes how I'm such great friends with him. And speaking of that, that would probably explain why I feel so crappy about what happened. I just wish that I could go back home, go to bed, and wake up to find out that this never happened and that Toshiro is still here in the Soul Society, waiting for my next visit..."
February 20, 2011
Madison Shecker's Perspective
Red begins to rise in Madison's cheeks as the jolt of Toshiro's impact sends her into him, their lips connecting. The surprise of the kiss causes Toshiro to loose his concentration and slip on the trunk, both of them falling the 10 feet to the ground, still in lip-lock. When they land, they stay like that for what seems like an eternity, they both having their eyes shut tight in embarrassment. Finally, Madison pulls herself away and stares down at him to find that she's on top of him, his arms still holding tight around her waist. Madison feels her heart beginning to skip beats as Toshiro finally opens his eyes, starring back at her. As blush enters his cheeks, Madison pulls herself from his grip and fumbles to her feet to land back on her butt about five feet away, facing away from him.
"Madison-" Toshiro begins to say.
"Hey, you two alright? I saw you two fall, I thought you were hurt." Madison hears Yattamori's nearing voice call.
When Yattamori reaches them, she immediately picks up on the awkward atmosphere.
"Wha-What happened? You're not saying anything." she asks.
"N-Nothing, just nothing..." Madison says as she stands.
"A-Are you sure, you both seem pretty shook up about something." Yattamori asks.
"Really, nothing happened." Madison says as she turns to look at Yattamori, still blushing.
Yattamori is taken back by Madison's expression, and her concerned frown becomes that of suspicion, she already beginning to suspect what really happened. Madison glances over at Toshiro, who's now sitting up, before looking away.
Without another word, Madison flashsteps out of sight, heading straight for a secret location that neither Toshiro or Yattamori would think of. She moves so fast, that she doesn't even hear Toshiro or Yattamori calling after her, already far behind. As she moves, Madison feels tears beginning to stream down her face as her cheeks become even redder. She replays the instance again and again, remembering every detail of how it felt.
...Did I...enjoy it?...
She shakes her head as if to rid the thought from her mind.
...No! I don't feel that way about him!...
After about another two or three minutes, Madison finds herself in front of the Squad 5 Lieutenant's Quarters, about to knock on the door. She sighs as she knocks hard on the wood.
"Be right there!" Madison hears Momo call from inside.
Within a minute, Momo opens the door.
She looks as she usually does, her straight brown hair pulled back into a bun hidden by a pull-string pullover, and her soul reaper uniform arranged in the way a normal one would be put together, nothing much that makes her stand out from the crowd. Nothing but her deep, warm brown eyes, which made anyone make her feel approachable, unlike Toshiro.
"Hello-Oh, Yattamori, it's you!" Momo says, causing Madison to sink a little, "Uh, I mean Shecker! Yes, Shecker, great to see you! Sorry, I know I was there and all, but I guess I'm still confused-"
"I-It's alright, I don't blame you." Madison reassures her.
"So, why are you here alone? Where's Yattamori?" Momo asks as she escorts Madison into the room.
"Uh, she's-" Madison starts.
"Or Toshiro? Isn't Toshiro around?" Momo interrupts.
Madison blushes and looks away, concerning Momo.
"Is something wrong with Toshiro?" Momo asks.
"In a way."
"Is he hurt?" Momo asks, a catch of worry in her voice.
"Is he hurt?" Momo asks, a catch of worry in her voice.
Madison sighs before looking back at Momo's worried eyes.
"No, he's fine. It's more mental then anything." Madison reassures her.
Momo is confused.
"Then what's wrong?" she asks.
Within moments, tears begin to appear in Madison's eyes as the blush returns to her cheeks. Momo notices.
"Madison...?" she says.
Madison cracks.
"Momo, I don't know what to do." Madison says as she begins to cry into her hands.
"Wha-What wrong? Madison!" Momo asks as she takes hold of Madison's hands.
Suddenly, the memories of her kiss replay back in her mind, appearing in Momo's mind for the first time as she takes hold of Madison's hand. After a few moments, Momo returns to reality, stunned by the occurrence. After a moment, she looks back up at her, her eyes now filled with understanding. Without saying anything, Momo takes Madison's hand in hers and leads her to a nearby couch. She then sighs and looks Madison in the eyes.
" kissed Toshiro?" Momo asks.
Madison blushes even more as she lowers her hands.
"Yeah." she answers
"Well..." Momo says, before surprising Madison with a big hug, "Congrats!"
Momo releases Madison and looks her straight in the eyes.
"You finally worked up enough courage to show Toshiro how you really feel. I'm so proud of you!" Momo says, smiling.
"Oh, you're just saying that, admit it, you've been head over heels for Toshiro ever since your were little."
"No, I have not!"
"I've seen the way you look at him, c'mon, say it. Say that you like him!"
"Momo, stop saying things like that!" Madison yells as she turns beat red.
"Then tell me why every time Toshiro gets within a foot of you, you always look so nervous?"
Madison shuts up immediately, running some circumstances that she recalls of that happening in her head.
"See, you do!" Momo interrupts her thoughts.
"For the last time, I have no feeling for Toshiro!" Madison snaps.
She turns away from Momo, a frown and irritated glare now fixed as her expression. From behind, Madison hears Momo sigh, realizing that maybe she had gone too far.
"Madison, I'm sorry, I thought that you had meant to know, that. But from your reaction to me, I guess it really isn't like that. Sorry." Momo apologizes.
Madison sighs before turning back to face her.
"It's ok, I probably would of reacted the same way, so it isn't your fault." Madison says as she grins.
Suddenly, without warning, Momo begins to laugh, probably at the mistaken conversation they had just ended. For a moment, Madison stares at her with a goofy glare, before laughing herself, the awkward atmosphere gone. But in other areas of her mind, the kiss still bothered her a bit. But at the same time, she feels like smiling at the situation. Odd.
February 21, 2011
Toshiro's Perspective
Toshiro walks silently as he nears Yattamori's living quarters. He looks up at the sky to see the sun, beating down, strange for February weather. It's about 60 degrees outside, white, puffy clouds passing slowly in the sky. When he looks back down at the large house, he sees the two Madison's walking out in normal clothes, those that people from the world of the living wear. Yattamori is wearing dark wash jeans with a purple long sleeved blouse matched with purple plaid flats. Her hair is up normally, her choker and pendant necklace on around her neck, silver hoops peaking out from behind her bangs
For Shecker, she's weaing another pair of dark wash jeans, a long sleeved, olive green, plaid, flannel shirt (similar to those he's seen girls wear in the country), matched with 1-inch heeled, black, almost knee-high boots. Her accessories include her usual cross necklace, silver hanging earrings, and a metal flower headband peaking out from behind her shorter cut hair, her bangs off to the side of her face.
Each carry their own purse, Yattamori's dark green, Shecker's black with light green flower designs. Toshiro stares for a moment before saying anything.
"Where are you two going?" Toshiro asks as he finally is noticed by both of them.
"What does it look like?" Yattamori asks, "We're going to the World of the Living for the day."
"Isn't it obvious?" Shecker asks, slightly blushing.
"We're going shopping." Yattamori finishes.
"Shopping? Don't you have work to be doing on the Mahinahime case?" Toshiro asks.
"Nope, we're taking a day of leave. Grandpa Yama said it was ok." Yattamori says.
"Oh." he says.
"You wanna come?" Yattamori asks.
"What?!" Toshiro says in surprise.
"Come to the World of the Living with us. It'll be fun." Shecker says.
"I don't think so." Toshiro says as he begins to turn away.
"Ah, why not?" Yattamori says as she runs to stand in front of him.
"Because I don't like to shop." Toshiro answers, beginning to get irritated.
"That's not a good reason. Come on, I know you'll have fun." Shecker says from behind.
"No is no." Toshiro says.
"C'mon Toshiro! Lighten up and take a load off." Yattamori whines at him.
"I said no!" Toshiro snaps, "Why are you even going today anyway?!"
Yattamori and Shecker become quiet, making Toshiro feel uncomfortable.
"What?" Toshiro asks.
"Today is our last day before our fight. We wanted to do something together-" Yattamori starts.
"-before we have to try to kill each other tomorrow." Shecker finishes.
Toshiro shallows hard, now feeling a bit bad about the circumstance. They stand there for a minute before he sighs.
"Fine, I guess I'll tag along on your little shopping trip." Toshiro says.
Yattamori and Shecker perk up.
"Really?" Shecker asks.
"Why would I lie?" Toshiro says as he turns away, "I'll meet you at my quarters in 15 minutes."
"Kay!" Yattamori say as he flashsteps away.
Within five minutes, Toshiro finds himself back in his room, shifting through some clothes that would fit in when he's in the world of the living. After about two seconds of looking, Toshiro decides on a dark blue, short sleeved t-shirt, loose, light-wash jeans, and black sneakers. As he fastens a belt through his jeans, Rangiku appears in the doorway.
"Going somewhere, Captain?" Rangiku says, surprising Toshiro.
"Rangiku! Did you ever think to knock before coming in?!" Toshiro snaps as he becomes angry.
"Sorry Sir, I was just wondering. I saw the Madison twins outside in street clothes so I got curious." Rangiku explains.
"They're already here? It's only been seven minutes."
He walks over to the window to see what Rangiku had said is true. Yattamori is sitting on the porch while Shecker is leaning on a tree trunk nearby, talking about something.
"How did you get pulled into this? I thought you hated going to the World of the Living without a reason." Rangiku asks.
Toshiro becomes more serious.
"They want to do something fun before one of them dies. And I was asked to tag along." Toshiro explains, silencing Rangiku.
"Oh." Rangiku says as she looks out the window at the now laughing Madisons.
"At first, I didn't want to go, but after they explained why...I couldn't say no. I just couldn't help but feel bad for them." Toshiro explains as he pulls on his dark blue shirt, "If this will make their last day of friendship a happy one, then I'll do it."
"That's very kind, Sir." Rangiku comments.
Toshiro sighs, then turns back towards her.
"But Rangiku, you still need to knock, so I'm assigning you to my work I'm going miss during my day of leave!" Toshiro yells, his anger returning.
"Wha-What?! Oh, c'mon Captain!" Rangiku pleads, "Why can't I have a free day too?!"
"Because you're horrible at remembering your simple manners! Now get to work!" Toshiro yells at her as he opens and closes the door behind him.
Toshiro sighs as he walks towards the two Madisons, irritated by Rangiku's actions. Within seconds, Yattamori and Shecker are looking at him, noticing his presense.
"You're early." Toshiro comments.
"Sorry, we accidentally began racing each other and got here sooner then we were going to." Yattamori explains.
"Who won?" Toshiro asks.
Yattamori falls silent, a big smile appearing on Shecker's face.
"Shecker won?" Toshiro says, a bit surprised.
"Why do you sound so surprised?!" Shecker yells, stepping closer to him to glare straight in his eyes.
After a second, it becomes awkward and she steps away, blushing slightly. Luckily, Yattamori doesn't notice, too busy sulking over her defeat.
After a few minutes, the three find themselves walking into the training grounds of squad 10.
"Why are we here?" Toshiro asks, "I thought we were going to the World of the Living."
"We are." Yattamori says.
"We're just not taking that senkaimon." Shecker finishes as she turns away from him.
"What do you mean?" Toshiro asks.
Suddenly, a void like portal appears in front of them, the inside of it pure white. Three hell butterflies appear out of nowhere next to them, surprising him.
"We, for some reason, can create our own personal senkaimon." Shecker says.
"I'm guessing it's just another one of our Time Psychic abilities." Yattamori comments as she walks towards the portal.
"Nope, we're taking a day of leave. Grandpa Yama said it was ok." Yattamori says.
"Oh." he says.
"You wanna come?" Yattamori asks.
"What?!" Toshiro says in surprise.
"Come to the World of the Living with us. It'll be fun." Shecker says.
"I don't think so." Toshiro says as he begins to turn away.
"Ah, why not?" Yattamori says as she runs to stand in front of him.
"Because I don't like to shop." Toshiro answers, beginning to get irritated.
"That's not a good reason. Come on, I know you'll have fun." Shecker says from behind.
"No is no." Toshiro says.
"C'mon Toshiro! Lighten up and take a load off." Yattamori whines at him.
"I said no!" Toshiro snaps, "Why are you even going today anyway?!"
Yattamori and Shecker become quiet, making Toshiro feel uncomfortable.
"What?" Toshiro asks.
"Today is our last day before our fight. We wanted to do something together-" Yattamori starts.
"-before we have to try to kill each other tomorrow." Shecker finishes.
Toshiro shallows hard, now feeling a bit bad about the circumstance. They stand there for a minute before he sighs.
"Fine, I guess I'll tag along on your little shopping trip." Toshiro says.
Yattamori and Shecker perk up.
"Really?" Shecker asks.
"Why would I lie?" Toshiro says as he turns away, "I'll meet you at my quarters in 15 minutes."
"Kay!" Yattamori say as he flashsteps away.
Within five minutes, Toshiro finds himself back in his room, shifting through some clothes that would fit in when he's in the world of the living. After about two seconds of looking, Toshiro decides on a dark blue, short sleeved t-shirt, loose, light-wash jeans, and black sneakers. As he fastens a belt through his jeans, Rangiku appears in the doorway.
"Going somewhere, Captain?" Rangiku says, surprising Toshiro.
"Rangiku! Did you ever think to knock before coming in?!" Toshiro snaps as he becomes angry.
"Sorry Sir, I was just wondering. I saw the Madison twins outside in street clothes so I got curious." Rangiku explains.
"They're already here? It's only been seven minutes."
He walks over to the window to see what Rangiku had said is true. Yattamori is sitting on the porch while Shecker is leaning on a tree trunk nearby, talking about something.
"How did you get pulled into this? I thought you hated going to the World of the Living without a reason." Rangiku asks.
Toshiro becomes more serious.
"They want to do something fun before one of them dies. And I was asked to tag along." Toshiro explains, silencing Rangiku.
"Oh." Rangiku says as she looks out the window at the now laughing Madisons.
"At first, I didn't want to go, but after they explained why...I couldn't say no. I just couldn't help but feel bad for them." Toshiro explains as he pulls on his dark blue shirt, "If this will make their last day of friendship a happy one, then I'll do it."
"That's very kind, Sir." Rangiku comments.
Toshiro sighs, then turns back towards her.
"But Rangiku, you still need to knock, so I'm assigning you to my work I'm going miss during my day of leave!" Toshiro yells, his anger returning.
"Wha-What?! Oh, c'mon Captain!" Rangiku pleads, "Why can't I have a free day too?!"
"Because you're horrible at remembering your simple manners! Now get to work!" Toshiro yells at her as he opens and closes the door behind him.
Toshiro sighs as he walks towards the two Madisons, irritated by Rangiku's actions. Within seconds, Yattamori and Shecker are looking at him, noticing his presense.
"You're early." Toshiro comments.
"Sorry, we accidentally began racing each other and got here sooner then we were going to." Yattamori explains.
"Who won?" Toshiro asks.
Yattamori falls silent, a big smile appearing on Shecker's face.
"Shecker won?" Toshiro says, a bit surprised.
"Why do you sound so surprised?!" Shecker yells, stepping closer to him to glare straight in his eyes.
After a second, it becomes awkward and she steps away, blushing slightly. Luckily, Yattamori doesn't notice, too busy sulking over her defeat.
After a few minutes, the three find themselves walking into the training grounds of squad 10.
"Why are we here?" Toshiro asks, "I thought we were going to the World of the Living."
"We are." Yattamori says.
"We're just not taking that senkaimon." Shecker finishes as she turns away from him.
"What do you mean?" Toshiro asks.
Suddenly, a void like portal appears in front of them, the inside of it pure white. Three hell butterflies appear out of nowhere next to them, surprising him.
"We, for some reason, can create our own personal senkaimon." Shecker says.
"I'm guessing it's just another one of our Time Psychic abilities." Yattamori comments as she walks towards the portal.
Toshiro stares for a minute, before sighing, and quickly follows close behind, completely missing a key fact in this strange ability.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Death and Reincarnation (Madison Shecker's Story) pt. 32
"...Life here is just getting weirder by the day. Not only is it weird that I'm two people, but now I have to train myself in how to use my zampakutou, something I never thought I would have to do again. But I was wrong. And, to top it off, I still have to research my mission on Mahinaheme. God, if you can hear me, let me tell you this. This joke is well, not funny, and never will be. So if you could nicely shed some light on my horrible experience at the moment, I would just love it. Oh, and one other thing...WHY THE HECK DO I HAVE TO DIE OR KILL BECAUSE OF SOME STUPID BIJUU!?!! WHAT GOOD WILL IT DO?! Seriously..."
February 20, 2011
Madison Yattamori's Perspective
Madison yawns as she walks out of her house, Shecker following close behind. When they come to the gate, Madison stops, surprising Shecker.
"Something wrong?" Shecker asks.
"Well, I was just thinking. Can you still use Mamori?" Madison asks.
Shecker turns in thought, then looks back at her.
Madison Yattamori's Perspective
Madison yawns as she walks out of her house, Shecker following close behind. When they come to the gate, Madison stops, surprising Shecker.
"Something wrong?" Shecker asks.
"Well, I was just thinking. Can you still use Mamori?" Madison asks.
Shecker turns in thought, then looks back at her.
"I don't really know, I haven't tried to since the accident." Shecker confesses.
"Try." Madison instructs, surprising Shecker.
Slowly, Shecker closes her eyes and tries to concentrate, trying to call Mamori Koudoutai to her. After about a minute, the sheer outline of a sword begins to morph in Shecker's right hand. Then, with a flash, Mamori appears, her hilt clutched in Shecker's fist. Shecker smiles as she holds it up, admiring the lime green hilt, as if she was relieved she could still summon her. Madison smiles.
"Alright, now that that is settled, let's-" Madison starts.
"Wait, can you pull Mamori out?" Shecker asks.
Madison is surprised, now wondering that herself. She rubs her head, then sighs.
"Well, let's see." Madison says as she holds out her hand.
Within an instant, Mamori appears in her own hand, shocking both of them.
"Wait, so there's two Mamori Koudoutai's?" Shecker asks.
Madison shrugs.
"Let's not try to find that out now, let's go and work on your fighting skills." Madison says as she leads Shecker out of the gate.
"What?!" Shecker shouts, "I've never literally fought a fight in my life!"
"Then we'll need to work on that. Oh yeah, one more thing."
"Can you flashstep either?"
Shecker thinks, then shakes her head.
"I don't think so." Shecker responds.
"Guess I'll have to reteach that too." Madison says as she grabs Shecker's wrist, "C'mon."
Without warning, Madison begins flashstepping, flying through the trees, her only hold on Shecker her wrist. Though, within seconds, Shecker somehow works herself onto Madison's back, holding tight as Madison rushes past the world at high speeds. As she flashsteps, she looks back at Shecker to see her frowning, probably irritated with herself about how she no longer can use simple techiniques she used to know well.
After about five minutes, they find themselves at the training grounds where Madison had trained with her squad. Shecker looks around as she gets off, then turns back to Madison.
"Alright, now, I'm gonna warn ya now. I'm gonna really try to hit you, so you have to do as best you can to dodge and counter attack. You got that?" Madison asks.
"Yeah, so let's get started. The sooner we start, the sooner it ends." Shecker says as she gets into a fight position.
Madison grins as she gets into a position of her own.
Within a second, Madison begins running at a full sprint towards Shecker, throwing a hard punch that Shecker barely dodges before falling on the ground. Madison whips her head around quick, instantly catching Shecker in her sights, then round kicks Shecker from behind, sending her flying about four feet. Luckily, Shecker quickly reacts and stands as Madison runs at her. Throwing punch after punch, Shecker slowly begins to pick on how Madison is swinging and while she pulls back her arm before trying to strike with her left, Shecker pulls a punch out of mid-air, surprising and landing Madison straight in the face. The impact sends her flying, but she puts her hands out and back flips back onto her feet. She chuckles as she wipes the bit of blood from the side of her mouth.
"Well, you surprised me with that punch. Didn't know that I could hit so hard." Madison says as she stands up.
"Thanks, I didn't know I could hit that hard either." Shecker replies as she pants slightly.
Madison smirks.
"But, unfortunately..." Madison says before she vanishes, surprising Shecker.
A second later, Madison reappears behind Shecker.
"...You still are too amature to defeat me." Madison finishes as Shecker turns her head to look at her.
Without regret, Madison slugs Shecker with a hard hit to the gut, making her fall to her knees, the wind knocked out of her. Then Madison slams her leg into Shecker's back, sending her faltering on her feet. As Shecker gains some balance she begins to run away, surprising Madison.
"Shecker! You can't run away in a fight, that will just get you killed!" Madison yells after her as she runs after her, "Shecker, come back!"
After a minute of running, Shecker is cornered in by the cliff. Madison pants and sighs in relief, happy she'll finally be able to catch up. Suddenly, without warning, Mamori Koudoutai appears in Shecker's hand and Shecker turns towards her.
"Now, you lose!" Shecker calls.
"What?!" Madison yells.
Madison Shecker's Perspective
Within seconds, Mamori morphes from a sword into greenish whip, spikes that look similar to fish scales formed at the end.
"What the-?" Yattamori yells, shocked as she runs.
"SHINKIROU KIBO UOZA(Pisces Scale Mirage)!" Madison yells as she whips her whip towards Yattamori.
From the tip of the whip, sharp things that look like fish scales soar at incredible speeds towards Yattamori. At impact they send Yattamori flying back at great speed, pinning her to the nearby cliff wall. Luckily, Madison only aimed them at Yattamori's clothes, so Yattamori is barely injured by the attack, just stuck hanging on the wall.
"Hey! Were you trying to kill me!?" Yattamori yells as Madison walks up to her.
"No, just following my instincts." Madison answers.
Yattamori's eyes widen in surprise.
"Your instincts?" Yattamori repeats.
"Yeah, for some reason, I just knew what to do." Madison explains as Mamori turns back into her sword form.
"But, I haven't used that attacked or thought about since my return. So, how were you able to use that attack?"
"I don't know, I just came naturally to me. I guess I'm not as powerless as I thought."
After a few minutes of trying to unpin Yattamori from the rock, Madison groans in irritation at the sharp scales.
"These stupid things won't come out!" Madison says as she tries to pull one out.
"What da'ya expect. That attack is meant specifically to either slash a enemy to death, or pin them to something so that you can make the move to kill. They're not supposed to be able to come out easily!" Yattamori says, glaring at Madison.
"I knew that much. But, don't you think it should be also put in that should be able to come out easily if I'm the one pulling them out?"
"I guess, but that's not what matters. So, you'd better find some way to get me off of here, I don't really feel like hanging here anymore."
After a few minutes of trying to unpin Yattamori from the rock, Madison groans in irritation at the sharp scales.
"These stupid things won't come out!" Madison says as she tries to pull one out.
"What da'ya expect. That attack is meant specifically to either slash a enemy to death, or pin them to something so that you can make the move to kill. They're not supposed to be able to come out easily!" Yattamori says, glaring at Madison.
"I knew that much. But, don't you think it should be also put in that should be able to come out easily if I'm the one pulling them out?"
"I guess, but that's not what matters. So, you'd better find some way to get me off of here, I don't really feel like hanging here anymore."
"Alright, I'm trying. Jeez, calm down."
"Having trouble?" a voice says from behind.
Madison and Yattamori turn to see Toshiro standing a few feet away, trying not to crack a chuckle or smirk.
"Well, I used my Pisces technique and well, I think you can figure out the rest." Madison says.
"Oh, so you can use Mamori Koudoutai." Toshiro says.
"Yep, just took me a while to remember some of my moves. But I should be fine-" Madison starts.
"Can we save your zampakutou techinique story for later, and get me down!" Yattamori snaps from behind Madison.
"Sorry, just calm down." Madison replies.
"Here, let me take a swing at it." Toshiro asks as he walks up to be at Madison's side.
Calmly, he removes his sword from it's sheath, then takes hold of the hilt in both hands, holding it in front of him. Slowly, a vortex of ice substance begins to spin at the tip of blade. Without trying to injure Yattamori, he touches the vortex to each of the spikes, each instantly freezing over, and cracking. Then as he touches the last one, they all crumble at once, releasing Yattamori. Toshiro catches her instinctively around the waist, and lowers her to the ground. As Yattamori grabs Toshiro's eyes, they stare at each other for a moment before he let's her go.
Madison smiles as she watches the trade, secretly jealous of Yattamori's connection with Toshiro. She looks back down at her Mamori and sighs, before turning and beginning to walk away. It's a moment before Toshiro and Yattamori begin to call after her, then begin to follow her. Suddenly the urge to be alone falls over Madison, causing her to glow a slight green, surprising Yattamori and Toshiro.
"Shecker, are you alright?" Yattamori says from behind her.
Without warning Madison, begins to run, sprinting in fact.
"Madison! Wait!" Toshiro yells after her.
As she runs, she feels the wind beginning to pick up under her feet.
...This is so familar...
She lunges before taking a leap of faith, and suddenly reappearing about 50 feet away.
...I flashstepped...I can flashstep!!...
Madison laughs as she flashsteps over and over again, feeling the wind hit her body and blow her hair away from her face. The world flashes by as she jumps from tree to tree, her speed increasing as she goes. As she lands on a branch, she hears a harsh snap from under her feet, and she begins to fumble in the air.
"Crap!" Madison yells as she finds herself out of control, speeding towards a large tree.
"Madison!" she hears Toshiro yell from close by.
She turns her head to see Toshiro only about 2 feet behind her, holding his hand out to her.
"Hurry up, do you feel like doing a face plant?!" Toshiro yells at her.
As she closes her eyes, she takes his hand, feeling her body jerk into his as he pulls her towards him. She tightens her grip on him as she opens her eyes to see Toshiro about to push-off a trunk of the tree, his arms fastened tightly around her. Without him seeing, she begins to blush, a little taken back by the situation.
When Toshiro's feet come into contact with the tree trunk, the impact pushes Madison into the most awkward circumstance she could imagine.
Calmly, he removes his sword from it's sheath, then takes hold of the hilt in both hands, holding it in front of him. Slowly, a vortex of ice substance begins to spin at the tip of blade. Without trying to injure Yattamori, he touches the vortex to each of the spikes, each instantly freezing over, and cracking. Then as he touches the last one, they all crumble at once, releasing Yattamori. Toshiro catches her instinctively around the waist, and lowers her to the ground. As Yattamori grabs Toshiro's eyes, they stare at each other for a moment before he let's her go.
Madison smiles as she watches the trade, secretly jealous of Yattamori's connection with Toshiro. She looks back down at her Mamori and sighs, before turning and beginning to walk away. It's a moment before Toshiro and Yattamori begin to call after her, then begin to follow her. Suddenly the urge to be alone falls over Madison, causing her to glow a slight green, surprising Yattamori and Toshiro.
"Shecker, are you alright?" Yattamori says from behind her.
Without warning Madison, begins to run, sprinting in fact.
"Madison! Wait!" Toshiro yells after her.
As she runs, she feels the wind beginning to pick up under her feet.
...This is so familar...
She lunges before taking a leap of faith, and suddenly reappearing about 50 feet away.
...I flashstepped...I can flashstep!!...
Madison laughs as she flashsteps over and over again, feeling the wind hit her body and blow her hair away from her face. The world flashes by as she jumps from tree to tree, her speed increasing as she goes. As she lands on a branch, she hears a harsh snap from under her feet, and she begins to fumble in the air.
"Crap!" Madison yells as she finds herself out of control, speeding towards a large tree.
"Madison!" she hears Toshiro yell from close by.
She turns her head to see Toshiro only about 2 feet behind her, holding his hand out to her.
"Hurry up, do you feel like doing a face plant?!" Toshiro yells at her.
As she closes her eyes, she takes his hand, feeling her body jerk into his as he pulls her towards him. She tightens her grip on him as she opens her eyes to see Toshiro about to push-off a trunk of the tree, his arms fastened tightly around her. Without him seeing, she begins to blush, a little taken back by the situation.
When Toshiro's feet come into contact with the tree trunk, the impact pushes Madison into the most awkward circumstance she could imagine.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Death and Reincarnation (Madison Shecker's Story) pt. 31
"...Walking around in this is body a bit strange, and it's even more strange when I can't remember the names of people I was close to. And, it's even more heartbreaking to now be so distant from my best friend. I am a sore thumb while the other me, the strong me, walks around like she knows everything and everyone. Yattamori is supposed to be me, the intellegent, out going person that everyone loves. But now, I'm just Madison Shecker, a powerless, left out, teenage outsider who just doesn't belong anymore...
February 19 2011
Madison Shecker's Perspective
Madison blinks as the light coming through the blinds hits her face, bright and shining, telling her it's morning. She smiles as she sits up, glad that she finally woke up from that horrible dream. The thought of it now makes her chukle as she gets up from the sofa and moves through her room to the bathroom. Obviously, she must of fallen asleep watching TV or something, causing her to have the weird dream. But when she looks up, her thought fades to ash.
Looking back at her is her shoulder blade length hair and her overly orange tee. wasn't a dream...
A sudden noise coming from her bed causes her to whip her head. She quickly runs out of the bathroom to see herself, Yattamori, just waking up in the big bed. She yawns as she gets up, wiping the crust from the corner of her eyes.
"So, I'm gonna guesss that you also thought that it was a bad dream?" Madison says, surprising Yattamori.
She turns and her eyes widen as her eyes land on Madison as she walks to stand next to the bed.
"Yeah, you're right." Yattamori says.
Madison groans as she falls onto the bed, her face engulfed by the sheets.
"How the heck did he do this?!" Madison groans from the sheets.
"Who knows. And worse, one us is gonna die in three days." Yattamori says as she sits up.
Madison's eyes widen in shock as she becomes tense. She looks back up at Yattamori.
"But Toshiro said-" Madison starts.
"You know as well as I do that Toshiro can't do anything about our situation. He just said that to calm us down, nothing more." Yattamori interupts.
Madison looks away, then sinks her face back into the sheets.
"But hey, look at the bright side." Yattamori says.
"What bright side?!" Madison yells through the sheets, irritated.
"Well, we're alive, right?" Yattamori asks.
"Yeah." Madison answers.
"And now we're finally apart." Yattamori says.
"Think about it. Up until now, we've been one person, you as the actual person, and me as your power and memories. But now, we've actually been separated into the incarnation and the reincarnation." Yattamori explains.
Madison thinks it over.
"Yeah, I guess."
"And now, if you do, I can maybe help understand some stuff that's happened or just what you don't understand."
"Ok, hmmm...Kenta! Was Kenta always trying to take your position as Captain?" Madison asks as she sits up.
"No, actually, he was a very trusted third seat. Though, he always was the type that said that he was gonna raise to the top one day. I never would of thought that he would go that far to get where he wants to be."
"Yeah, so do you think that maybe something cracked after our death?"
"Probably, but who knows, for all we know, that might of been his intent all along."
They stay quiet for a minute.
"Oh, I got another one!" Madison says, breaking the awkward silence.
"Do you have feelings for anyone? Not like friendy feelings, more lovey-dovey."
Yattamori begins to blush.
"Well, um-"
"Would this guy happen to be Rikuto?"
"Yeah, you have to admit he's hot."
Yattamori begins to blush even more.
"Well, yeah-"
"And you have to admit that you love that he's fit and in shape."
"Yeah, but-"
"And you HAVE to admit that you love the way his bangs fall around his face and his gorgeous blue eyes-"
"Yes, but he's not who I like!" Yattamori snaps, surprising Madison.
"Oh, then who?" Madison asks.
Yattamori turns even redder then before.
"That's none of your concern!"
"Ok, ok, jeez." Madison says, the room once again awkward.
After a minute, Madison sighs and gets off the bed.
"Well, no time for this, if I remember correctly, we have a Captain's Meeting to get to by 9:00. And if I'm reading that clock right, then we only have about a half hour. So get dressed." Madison says as she opens the dresser and throws Yattamori a kimono and a sash.
Yattamori is surprised.
"Wait, you mean, both of us are going?" Yattamori asks.
"No, I'm gonna send a messenger hawk, what do you think I mean?" Madison says, slipping on the top of her kimono.
"Well, don't you think that we'll freak out a few of the Captains?"
"Let them be, we're the reason that the meeting was called, so why shouldn't we both be there?" Madison says as she pulls on her pants and grabs her own sash.
Yattamori thinks it over.
"Well I guess-"
"Then it's settled, we're both going." Madison says as she pulls her haori from the dresser and throws it on, completing her look..
Yattamori stares at her for a moment before smiling and nodding, beginning to get dressed herself. After about 20 minutes of hair brushing, teeth brushing, and Yattamori's flashstepping, Madison and Yattamori find themselves back at the squad 1 area, walking towards the Captain's meeting room. As they walk, Madison pulls the clasp of her cross necklace out from the front to behind her shorter, down hair. So to not confuse anyone, the two decied Yattamori would dress normally, as Madison would wear her hair down and her bangs to the side of her eyes, which felt more normal.
As they stop in front of the large wooden door, Madison feels Yattamori slip her hand into her's, surprising her.
"Well, it's now or never." Yattamori says.
Madison looks up at the door and nods.
"Let's go." Madison says as the door opens, allowing themselves to be out out in a awkward situation that might just get worse.
Madison Yattamori's Perspective
When the doors are finally open all the way, Madison and Shecker find themselves being stared at by all of the Captains, who can't believe what they've been told is true. Especially Grandpa Yama.
"So, it's true. You really were divided into two people." Grandpa Yama says in amazement.
"Yeah, I can see how it's hard to believe, seeing as how this has probably never happened before." Shecker says.
"I wouldn't of believed it either, so you really can't be blamed." Madison says.
"So which one of you is actually Captain Yattamori?" Soi Fon asks.
"She is, I'm her reincarnation, Madison Shecker." Shecker answers.
"What?" Grandpa Yama says.
"You see, when the Bijuu separated me, he actually separated the two beings that make up me. To you, I'm one person, but I'm actually the combination of Shecker and Yattamori." Madison starts.
"So, you could say we merge, but in the other world, I have pretty much complete control, Yattamori only seeping in here and there." Shecker continues.
"So, all he pretty much did was take the two apart and gave us each our own bodies, as Madison Yattamori..." Madison says.
"And Madison Shecker." Shecker finishes.
"Do you both have the same powers?" Byakuya asks.
Madison and Shecker look at each other.
"We don't know yet, we haven't used our powers since the incident." Shecker answers.
"But we have discovered that our memories have been divided." Madison interjects.
"What exactly do you mean?" Granpa Yama asks.
"Take me for example. I can't remember anything from this world that happened before I came back as a reincarnation-" Shecker starts.
"-While I can remember everything that happened before, but can't remember any of my life in the other world before I returned." Madison finishes.
"Hmm, interesting." Granpa Yama comments.
"So, how long until you think you will return to normal?" Kurotsuchi asks.
Both Madisons fall silent.
"What? Can you not be returned to normal?" Ukitake asks.
"It's not exactly like that-" Shecker starts.
"In three days, the two will have to duel. And in that, only one can come out alive." Toshiro interupts.
"What?" Unohana says in shock.
"That's crazy!" Aizen says.
"Why does one of them have to die?!" Kuoraku says.
"That's enough." Grandpa Yama says, instantly quieting everyone before turning to Toshiro, "Captain Hitsugaya, explain."
"When the Bijuu separated Yattamori into two people, the entity that attacked Squad T.P. 3rd seat Shohen and Squad T.P. Lietenant Kocamua went with one of them. The Bijuu told us that in three days, the entity, who we now know is called Devena, will engulf the girl and will kill everything in sight. He said the only way to stop her is to kill the one that contains Devena before she takes full control. If not, she might be unstoppable." Toshiro explains.
"Hmm, that is a problem. But, I will not allow for the death for either of the two." Grandpa Yama says, surprising the Madisons, "If indeed Devena does surface, then we we'll surpress as we did last time."
"That's impossible." Madison says.
"What?" Grandpa Yama says.
"The only reason that we were able to surpress Devena last time was because she was weak, being the first time she's come out. Now, she's probably become at least 10 times stronger." Shecker starts.
"Also, it's was the combination of our souls that was able to barely overpower her enough to break her control." Yattamori continues.
"And since we're now separated, she'll be unable to be detained by either of us alone. So, surpressing her is out of question." Shecker finishes.
Grandpa is taken back and looks over as he thinks of another plan.
"But hey, it's alright." Shecker says, surprising everyone.
"We know that you want to protect us and we appreciate that. But in this situation, it's inevitable that one of us has to die." Yattamori says.
"So, we are willing to risk ourselves to protect this world and any other world. I mean, isn't that the reason I became a Soul Reaper?" Shecker says.
"Yep." Yattamori says.
"To die because I fought protecting someone I care about or a cause I believe in." Madison and Shecker say at the same time, smiling, remember that she said the same to Aneko 14 years ago.
The Captains stare at them in shock, stunned by their words. As their words sink into Toshiro, he seems to get hit hard by the fact that he'll have to see one of them die, a reoccurance of 14 years ago.
"All right. I will allow this. But only because you seem to have a set and straight head as you say that." Grandpa Yama says, "Then this is the end of this meeting. You are dissmissed."
The Captains walk out quickly, some linguring a bit to say sorry to the two Madisons. Or just be weird like Kurotsuchi, saying that he'd love to run texts on them to see how they were split technically. Luckily, Ukitake, Kuroaku, and Aizen are able to get him away before he tries to say anything else. After another minute, all who are left are the two Madisons and Toshiro, who seems to be in shock, his fists clentched tight.
Madison and Shecker glance at each other before walking over to Toshiro's side.
"Sorry Toshiro." Madison says.
"There's just nothing that can change what will happen to one of us, and you know that." Shecker finishes.
Toshiro grits his teeth.
"It's just not fair. Neither of you has done anything to deserve this." Toshiro says, not looking at them.
The two look at each, guilty, then look away before turning back to Toshiro.
"But, this will all be over in three days. Just bare with us until then." Madison says as she puts her hand on his shoulder, trying to reassure him.
"It will be alright, trust us." Shecker says, putting her hand on his other shoulder.
Toshiro doesn't respond as he kinda shakes off their hands.
"I'm gonna go ahead and go, I'll see you two tomarrow." Toshiro says as he turns towards the door.
As Madison catches at glimpse of his eyes, she silently gasps, allowing him to walk off without either of them stopping him.
Shecker notices.
"What's wrong?" Shecker asks.
"Did you not see?" Madison asks.
"See what?" Shecker asks.
"I don't know how long it's been, but think I saw...tears..."
"I don't know how long it's been, but think I saw...tears..."
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Death and Reincarnation (Madison Shecker's Story) pt. 30
"...Seriously? I'm finally making some ground on the Mahinaheme case, and out of nowhere, a hollow shows up! Man, I swear, I think they know when I'm finally comfortable and just decide then and there that they're gonna ruin my day. Perfect, just perfect. But bad news for them, when I'm in a bad mood, I get really good at slicing up bad guys. So if one of them gets near me, they better prepare to become hollow sushi. But as I stand here, I have the weird feeling that part of me wants to fight, while the other wants to run and hide..."
February 18, 2011
11:57 p.m.
Madison's Perspective
Madison and Toshiro flashstep through the woods, doing their routes for the month.
"Well, this is odd." Toshiro says.
"What?" Madison asks.
"Well, the last time we were pared up for this was the day you-" Toshiro explains.
"Oh, yeah, you're right." Madison says.
The kick off a branch at the same time, then continue their conversation.
"So, how's your work on the Princess' case going?" Toshiro asks.
"Well, I have made a few advances about what exactly happened to her." Madison answers.
"Such as?"
"Well, there was a file out of order in the records of the presimise world the day she disappeared. And it said that one of the royal family members opened a personal senkaimon around the time of the attack. After researching with the department of research and development, we discovered that the family member was most probably Mahinaheme. So my hypothesis is that Mahinaheme escaped to the World of the Living so that she would be safe from rouge Soul Reapers."
"Is that why we are doing this?"
"Pretty much."
"But no one has seen her for 140 years, do you really think that she would still be in hiding."
"That's what brought another hypothesis."
"That when she got here, she was attacked and killed by waiting Soul Reapers."
"What?! But she is said to be one of the most powerful Soul Reapers to ever live!"
"Yes, but that fact doesn't help when your attacked by surprise."
"You think she was attacked by surprise?"
"It is a possibility."
For a few minutes, they don't speak, until a strange spiritual pressure comes on, and strong. They stop on a tree branch and look towards the direction the spiritual pressure is coming from.
"Who's spiritual pressure is that?" Madison asks.
"It doesn't feel familiar." Toshiro answers.
Suddenly, trees begin to crash around them. Madison covers her head as Toshiro flashsteps them to a close by tree, which quickly begins to falls too. Finally, after hoping for about five minutes, Toshiro flashsteps them to a nearby clearing between a stone wall of a highway overpass and small river.
"Did we...lose them..?" Madison asks as she pants.
"I guess...but who knows..." Toshiro answers.
"Should I call...for backup?"
"That would a good idea."
As Madison pulls a cell from her kimono, a shadowed figure appears in the darkness of the nearby trees. Toshiro steps in front of her as she calls for help.
"Who are you?" Toshiro calls out to the figure.
No response.
"Hello, Group 2(Home base) transmitting, this is Haruna, copy?" Haruna's familar voice says over the phone.
"Copy. Haruna, this is Captain Yattamori of group 5, we've run into an unknown person, calling for backup." Madison says into the phone.
"I copy, sending groups 3 and 4 to your location." Haruna answers.
Madison smiles. Group 3 is Kuoraku and Miyoko, and Group 4 is Aneko and Momo. They will be great help.
"10-4." Madison says as the man suddenly attacks them, meeting his blade with Toshiro's.
"Captain, I couldn't make out what you said. Please repeat your last message." Haruna says over the phone, "Is everything alright over there? Captain Yattamori, respond."
Madison flashsteps out of the way of the man's sword to a nearby tree.
"We are being attack, repeat, we are being attack." Madison says into the phone.
"Copy, Groups 3 and 4 are in route. Please hang in there." Haruna says in reply.
"Will do, 10-4." Madison says right before the man appears next to her, and punches her across the face, then the gut, sending her flying.
"Ack!" Madison groans as she lands hard on the ground.
"Yattamori!" Toshiro yells from nearby.
"Captain Yattamori, what happened?! Captain, respond!" Haruna cries from the phone still clutched in Madison's right hand.
For an unusual reason, Madison is in more pain then she should be for being punched, and can't put the phone to her ear.
Toshiro takes the phone from Madison's hand and holds it to his ear.
"This is Captain Hitsugaya, Captain Yattamori has been injured. Repeat, Captain Yattamori is injured! Copy." Toshiro says into the phone.
"Copy, Groups 3 and 4 aren't far, How injured is Captain Yattamori?" Madison hears Haruna ask.
"Non-serious injuries, bloody nose and maybe internal injury." Toshiro answers as Madison spots the man above them.
Quickly, but painfully, she makes the hand signs to create a barrier.
"Barrier!" Madison shouts, a giant box barrier quickly forming around them, rejecting the man's sword attack.
"Yattamori, are you ok?" Toshiro says, still holding the phone to his ear.
"I'm fine."
"I heard Captain put up her barrier, is it really that serious?!" Haruna asks through the phone.
"How close is our backup!" Toshiro yells in the phone.
"Here." Aneko's voice calls from behind.
Madison and Toshiro look top see Aneko and Momo walking out of the shadows.
"And up here." Miyoko's voice says from above.
They turn back to see Kuoraku and Miyoko standing in the trees.
"Really, one guy? I guess you two are losing your touch." Momo says as she walks up.
"Oh, shut up Momo." Madison and Toshiro say at the same time.
Suddenly, Madison sees more men behind them. There's blood and horror. Then, something weird. In one corner is herself, while in the other, it looks like her, both more like when she's at home as Madison Shecker. Within seconds, it fades, and she back at the clearing, Toshiro looking at her weirdly.
"Yattamori, you ok?" he asks.
She looks up at him, then looks back at Momo and Aneko to see men running silently behind them.
"Momo, Aneko, behind you!" Madison yells.
They, turn and pull their zampakutous out in time to dodge being killed. With Toshiro's help, Madison gets up, holding her gut. Behind her, she hears Miyoko and Kuroaku also pull their swords, being attacked. As the four of them fight, Madison spots something weird about all five of the men.
"Are those raccoon tails?" Madison asks as she points at fluff poking out of the men's clothes.
"So, you've discovered their tails..." a dark voice says from behind.
Toshiro and Madison turn in surprise at the sight of a tall man covered head to toe in tattoos, a dark cloak concealing most of his body, his ears that of a raccoon.
"A bijuu..." Madison whispers.
The man smirks.
"You're quick to figure stuff out. But that won't help you!" He says as he presses his hands against the barrier, shattering it within seconds, and surprising Madison and Toshiro.
"He broke my barrier...." Madison says in shock.
The bijuu chuckles, then slams his big fist into Toshiro, sending him flying into the nearby river.
"Toshiro!" Madison and Momo yell.
Madison tries to move, but pain takes control and she falls to her knees, coughing up some blood.
"Captain!" Miyoko yells.
"Miyoko, go make sure Toshiro's ok." Madison orders.
"But, you're-" Miyoko starts
"Just do it!" Madison snaps, before beginning to spit up more blood.
Miyoko wants to help her, but does as told and flashsteps to Toshiro's side where Momo already is.
"How cute, caring more about others' safety then your own. But in your condition, you should of had her help you. I borrowed a poison from Sokou that paralyzes someone slowly and had one one my men infect you with it. In about five minutes, you'll be unable to move." the Bijuu explains, "But until then, I'm gonna have some fun with ya'."
Suddenly, the ground twists around Madison's body, encasing her to about her mid chest.
"What the-?" Madison says in surprise.
Then it lifts her off the ground and throws her through the air then another rod of earth or sand hits her hard in the back and sends her flying into a tree. The impact causing her screech in pain, blood spatting from her mouth.
"Yattamori!" she hears Toshiro yell as she tries to stand up.
Suddenly the bijuu appears right infront of her, and sand rushes up her body and inprisons her to the tree, only stopping to about her breasts.
The bijuu takes hold of her face.
"Hmm, it seems the master was correct, your soul is spilt in half." he says, causing Madison's eyes to widen, "I wish I could kill you here and now, but I have orders to follow, so I can't."
"Get away from her!" Madison hears Toshiro yell.
"Now, using the master's power, I..." he starts as he puts his hand on the top of her head.
"Stop!" Toshiro yells.
"Divide your mind and soul..." he finishes, a light appearing.
...divide my mind...and soul...?...
Toshiro's Perspective
Toshiro watches as the light consumes Yattamori then spilts in separates, flying in opposite directions. He turns towards the light the flew past him and flashsteps after it.
"Yattamori!" Toshiro yells as he reaches the place where the light crashed.
He watches as the light fades to reveal Yattamori. But her appearance makes him gasp slightly. Instead of wearing her kimono and haori, she's wearing dark wash jeans, black sneakers, a orange tee, and a black fleece jacket. Her long chestnut hair is shorter, about at the middle of her shoulder blades, the choker and necklace he gave her is gone, a cross pendant similar to the symbol on his haori taking it's place. He kneels at her side as she comes to.
"Ow, my head." she says as she sits up.
"Yattamori, what happened to you?" he asks.
She looks surprised and looks up with him, her bangs out of her face and to the side of her right eye, weird.
"What are you talking about-?" Yattamori asks until she notices what she's wearing.
Her eyes widen as she looks over herself and stands up with Toshiro's help.
"No...way..." she says.
"What?" Toshiro asks.
"This is what I look like...this is what I was wearing in the other world I live in." Yattamori confesses.
Toshiro's eyes widen in surprise.
"Captain Hitsugaya, we just found Captain Yattamori on the other side of the river!" they hear Miyoko yell from outside the forest.
Their eyes widen in shock.
"What?!" They say in shock at the same time.
"Is something wrong?" Miyoko calls.
"Get on my back, you're too weak to flashstep." Toshiro says.
Madison nods and gets on. When they appear in front of Miyoko, she's taken back by Yattamori.
"Yeah, I found her too." Toshiro says as Yattamori gets off.
"But, that's impossible..." Miyoko says, then pointing, "Yattamori's right there!"
They look to where she's pointing and gasp. Like Miyoko said, Yattamori, but in her kimono and haori, is standing on the other side of the clearing with Aneko, Kouraku, and Momo. She turns with the rest of them, and gapes when she sees the Yattamori next to him, along with the others. They all flashstep over, Aneko helping the other Yattamori. Without saying a word, the other Yattamori quickly steps towards the Yattamori next to him.
"When he said he was dividing my mind and soul..." the other Yattamori starts to say.
Their eyes widen.
"...I didn't think he meant it literally!" both of the Yattamori's say at once.
"What did you two just say?" Kuroaku asks.
Normal Yattamori turns towards him.
"When he pinned me to the tree, he said he was gonna divide my mind and soul, seeing as how it was already spilt." Yattamori explains.
"And when that light appeared, he somehow spilt me in two, between Yattamori and my other self, Madison Shecker." the Yattamori next him finishes.
Normal Yattamori nods.
"Pretty much." Yattamori says.
"So, which one of you is Yattamori?" Kuroaku asks.
"Her. Since she has the appearance and probably the memories of Yattamori." the Yattamori next to him answers.
Toshiro's eyes widen.
"You mean you no longer have your memories?" he asks the Yattamori next to him.
"The only memories I have are of my life in the other world, and what has happened in this world since I returned. That's it." she answers.
"While I have all my memories of this world, but none of my memories from the other world, at least until the day I returned." the other Yattamori answers.
"So, you have nothing at all Yattamori?" Toshiro asks the Yattamori next to him.
She bitter-sweetly grins.
"No. And at the moment, since she's Yattamori, please call me Madison or Shecker, I don't care which." she says.
Toshiro expression turns to concern.
"Madi-" he starts to say.
"Hahahahaha!" the bijuu laughs above them, "Isn't this great! The great and powerful Captain Yattamori is now two. How hilarious!"
"Put them back together, right now!" Toshiro yells,
"Nope, can't do that. Now that they are separated, the true game begins." the bijuu answers.
"Game?" Toshiro says.
"Yes. You see, there's an evil entity that lives in Captain Yattamori. When I separated her into her two selves, that evil entity stayed with one of them." the Bijuu explains, causing both Yattamoris to become wide eyed.
Toshiro turns white as he thinks of the dark Yattamori that attacked Kenta, then Alonsa, and almost himself.
"Now, in fours days time, that evil entity will take over the Yattamori she entered and kill all in sight. So, the two must duel, then the one with the entity must be killed." the Bijuu continues.
"What?! That's crazy! I could never kill either of them!" Toshiro yells.
"Hahahaha! Are you death? Don't you get it? Once the entity takes complete control of one of them, she will engulf them and that girl will cease to exist. In truth, One of the Yattamori's will transform into her, Devena!" the Bijuu laughs, "Devena will become that girl, and will, literally become the closet thing to the devil you've ever seen! So unless you kill the correct one, you will pretty much intrust the doom of the world."
Both of the Yattmoris become ash white, and Shecker faints, falling into Yattamori.
"Shecker!" Yattamori yells as she looks over her.
"Hehehehe, well, love to chat, but I've gotta jet, see ya." the Bijuu says before vanishing, leaving the group stunned.
Toshiro stands there with his head hung, lost and confused.
"Toshiro..." Yattamori says.
He turns to look at her.
"So...pretty about four days...either Shecker or I will be killed...and if the wrong one is chosen, then the world will be destroyed. Who is Devena? Is she really that powerful!?" Yattamori says as tears begins to stream down her face.
Toshiro's eyes widen, then he looks concerned as he kneels next to Yattamori and Shecker, who's just waking up.
"Yattamori, Shecker, I promise, neither of you will die and that I'll find someway to return you to one person. Believe me." Toshiro says as he puts a hand on Yattamori's shoulder and the other on Shecker's.
The two stare at him for a minute, then as tears begin to fill their eyes, they both fall into Toshiro's chest, crying their eyes out. Toshiro stares at them for a minute, before he puts his arms around both of them, and allows them to cry, for they deserve it, cause they all know, that he lied.
One of them will die, and both of them want to live.
February 18, 2011
11:57 p.m.
Madison's Perspective
Madison and Toshiro flashstep through the woods, doing their routes for the month.
"Well, this is odd." Toshiro says.
"What?" Madison asks.
"Well, the last time we were pared up for this was the day you-" Toshiro explains.
"Oh, yeah, you're right." Madison says.
The kick off a branch at the same time, then continue their conversation.
"So, how's your work on the Princess' case going?" Toshiro asks.
"Well, I have made a few advances about what exactly happened to her." Madison answers.
"Such as?"
"Well, there was a file out of order in the records of the presimise world the day she disappeared. And it said that one of the royal family members opened a personal senkaimon around the time of the attack. After researching with the department of research and development, we discovered that the family member was most probably Mahinaheme. So my hypothesis is that Mahinaheme escaped to the World of the Living so that she would be safe from rouge Soul Reapers."
"Is that why we are doing this?"
"Pretty much."
"But no one has seen her for 140 years, do you really think that she would still be in hiding."
"That's what brought another hypothesis."
"That when she got here, she was attacked and killed by waiting Soul Reapers."
"What?! But she is said to be one of the most powerful Soul Reapers to ever live!"
"Yes, but that fact doesn't help when your attacked by surprise."
"You think she was attacked by surprise?"
"It is a possibility."
For a few minutes, they don't speak, until a strange spiritual pressure comes on, and strong. They stop on a tree branch and look towards the direction the spiritual pressure is coming from.
"Who's spiritual pressure is that?" Madison asks.
"It doesn't feel familiar." Toshiro answers.
Suddenly, trees begin to crash around them. Madison covers her head as Toshiro flashsteps them to a close by tree, which quickly begins to falls too. Finally, after hoping for about five minutes, Toshiro flashsteps them to a nearby clearing between a stone wall of a highway overpass and small river.
"Did we...lose them..?" Madison asks as she pants.
"I guess...but who knows..." Toshiro answers.
"Should I call...for backup?"
"That would a good idea."
As Madison pulls a cell from her kimono, a shadowed figure appears in the darkness of the nearby trees. Toshiro steps in front of her as she calls for help.
"Who are you?" Toshiro calls out to the figure.
No response.
"Hello, Group 2(Home base) transmitting, this is Haruna, copy?" Haruna's familar voice says over the phone.
"Copy. Haruna, this is Captain Yattamori of group 5, we've run into an unknown person, calling for backup." Madison says into the phone.
"I copy, sending groups 3 and 4 to your location." Haruna answers.
Madison smiles. Group 3 is Kuoraku and Miyoko, and Group 4 is Aneko and Momo. They will be great help.
"10-4." Madison says as the man suddenly attacks them, meeting his blade with Toshiro's.
"Captain, I couldn't make out what you said. Please repeat your last message." Haruna says over the phone, "Is everything alright over there? Captain Yattamori, respond."
Madison flashsteps out of the way of the man's sword to a nearby tree.
"We are being attack, repeat, we are being attack." Madison says into the phone.
"Copy, Groups 3 and 4 are in route. Please hang in there." Haruna says in reply.
"Will do, 10-4." Madison says right before the man appears next to her, and punches her across the face, then the gut, sending her flying.
"Ack!" Madison groans as she lands hard on the ground.
"Yattamori!" Toshiro yells from nearby.
"Captain Yattamori, what happened?! Captain, respond!" Haruna cries from the phone still clutched in Madison's right hand.
For an unusual reason, Madison is in more pain then she should be for being punched, and can't put the phone to her ear.
Toshiro takes the phone from Madison's hand and holds it to his ear.
"This is Captain Hitsugaya, Captain Yattamori has been injured. Repeat, Captain Yattamori is injured! Copy." Toshiro says into the phone.
"Copy, Groups 3 and 4 aren't far, How injured is Captain Yattamori?" Madison hears Haruna ask.
"Non-serious injuries, bloody nose and maybe internal injury." Toshiro answers as Madison spots the man above them.
Quickly, but painfully, she makes the hand signs to create a barrier.
"Barrier!" Madison shouts, a giant box barrier quickly forming around them, rejecting the man's sword attack.
"Yattamori, are you ok?" Toshiro says, still holding the phone to his ear.
"I'm fine."
"I heard Captain put up her barrier, is it really that serious?!" Haruna asks through the phone.
"How close is our backup!" Toshiro yells in the phone.
"Here." Aneko's voice calls from behind.
Madison and Toshiro look top see Aneko and Momo walking out of the shadows.
"And up here." Miyoko's voice says from above.
They turn back to see Kuoraku and Miyoko standing in the trees.
"Really, one guy? I guess you two are losing your touch." Momo says as she walks up.
"Oh, shut up Momo." Madison and Toshiro say at the same time.
Suddenly, Madison sees more men behind them. There's blood and horror. Then, something weird. In one corner is herself, while in the other, it looks like her, both more like when she's at home as Madison Shecker. Within seconds, it fades, and she back at the clearing, Toshiro looking at her weirdly.
"Yattamori, you ok?" he asks.
She looks up at him, then looks back at Momo and Aneko to see men running silently behind them.
"Momo, Aneko, behind you!" Madison yells.
They, turn and pull their zampakutous out in time to dodge being killed. With Toshiro's help, Madison gets up, holding her gut. Behind her, she hears Miyoko and Kuroaku also pull their swords, being attacked. As the four of them fight, Madison spots something weird about all five of the men.
"Are those raccoon tails?" Madison asks as she points at fluff poking out of the men's clothes.
"So, you've discovered their tails..." a dark voice says from behind.
Toshiro and Madison turn in surprise at the sight of a tall man covered head to toe in tattoos, a dark cloak concealing most of his body, his ears that of a raccoon.
"A bijuu..." Madison whispers.
The man smirks.
"You're quick to figure stuff out. But that won't help you!" He says as he presses his hands against the barrier, shattering it within seconds, and surprising Madison and Toshiro.
"He broke my barrier...." Madison says in shock.
The bijuu chuckles, then slams his big fist into Toshiro, sending him flying into the nearby river.
"Toshiro!" Madison and Momo yell.
Madison tries to move, but pain takes control and she falls to her knees, coughing up some blood.
"Captain!" Miyoko yells.
"Miyoko, go make sure Toshiro's ok." Madison orders.
"But, you're-" Miyoko starts
"Just do it!" Madison snaps, before beginning to spit up more blood.
Miyoko wants to help her, but does as told and flashsteps to Toshiro's side where Momo already is.
"How cute, caring more about others' safety then your own. But in your condition, you should of had her help you. I borrowed a poison from Sokou that paralyzes someone slowly and had one one my men infect you with it. In about five minutes, you'll be unable to move." the Bijuu explains, "But until then, I'm gonna have some fun with ya'."
Suddenly, the ground twists around Madison's body, encasing her to about her mid chest.
"What the-?" Madison says in surprise.
Then it lifts her off the ground and throws her through the air then another rod of earth or sand hits her hard in the back and sends her flying into a tree. The impact causing her screech in pain, blood spatting from her mouth.
"Yattamori!" she hears Toshiro yell as she tries to stand up.
Suddenly the bijuu appears right infront of her, and sand rushes up her body and inprisons her to the tree, only stopping to about her breasts.
The bijuu takes hold of her face.
"Hmm, it seems the master was correct, your soul is spilt in half." he says, causing Madison's eyes to widen, "I wish I could kill you here and now, but I have orders to follow, so I can't."
"Get away from her!" Madison hears Toshiro yell.
"Now, using the master's power, I..." he starts as he puts his hand on the top of her head.
"Stop!" Toshiro yells.
"Divide your mind and soul..." he finishes, a light appearing.
...divide my mind...and soul...?...
Toshiro's Perspective
Toshiro watches as the light consumes Yattamori then spilts in separates, flying in opposite directions. He turns towards the light the flew past him and flashsteps after it.
"Yattamori!" Toshiro yells as he reaches the place where the light crashed.
He watches as the light fades to reveal Yattamori. But her appearance makes him gasp slightly. Instead of wearing her kimono and haori, she's wearing dark wash jeans, black sneakers, a orange tee, and a black fleece jacket. Her long chestnut hair is shorter, about at the middle of her shoulder blades, the choker and necklace he gave her is gone, a cross pendant similar to the symbol on his haori taking it's place. He kneels at her side as she comes to.
"Ow, my head." she says as she sits up.
"Yattamori, what happened to you?" he asks.
She looks surprised and looks up with him, her bangs out of her face and to the side of her right eye, weird.
"What are you talking about-?" Yattamori asks until she notices what she's wearing.
Her eyes widen as she looks over herself and stands up with Toshiro's help.
"No...way..." she says.
"What?" Toshiro asks.
"This is what I look like...this is what I was wearing in the other world I live in." Yattamori confesses.
Toshiro's eyes widen in surprise.
"Captain Hitsugaya, we just found Captain Yattamori on the other side of the river!" they hear Miyoko yell from outside the forest.
Their eyes widen in shock.
"What?!" They say in shock at the same time.
"Is something wrong?" Miyoko calls.
"Get on my back, you're too weak to flashstep." Toshiro says.
Madison nods and gets on. When they appear in front of Miyoko, she's taken back by Yattamori.
"Yeah, I found her too." Toshiro says as Yattamori gets off.
"But, that's impossible..." Miyoko says, then pointing, "Yattamori's right there!"
They look to where she's pointing and gasp. Like Miyoko said, Yattamori, but in her kimono and haori, is standing on the other side of the clearing with Aneko, Kouraku, and Momo. She turns with the rest of them, and gapes when she sees the Yattamori next to him, along with the others. They all flashstep over, Aneko helping the other Yattamori. Without saying a word, the other Yattamori quickly steps towards the Yattamori next to him.
"When he said he was dividing my mind and soul..." the other Yattamori starts to say.
Their eyes widen.
"...I didn't think he meant it literally!" both of the Yattamori's say at once.
"What did you two just say?" Kuroaku asks.
Normal Yattamori turns towards him.
"When he pinned me to the tree, he said he was gonna divide my mind and soul, seeing as how it was already spilt." Yattamori explains.
"And when that light appeared, he somehow spilt me in two, between Yattamori and my other self, Madison Shecker." the Yattamori next him finishes.
Normal Yattamori nods.
"Pretty much." Yattamori says.
"So, which one of you is Yattamori?" Kuroaku asks.
"Her. Since she has the appearance and probably the memories of Yattamori." the Yattamori next to him answers.
Toshiro's eyes widen.
"You mean you no longer have your memories?" he asks the Yattamori next to him.
"The only memories I have are of my life in the other world, and what has happened in this world since I returned. That's it." she answers.
"While I have all my memories of this world, but none of my memories from the other world, at least until the day I returned." the other Yattamori answers.
"So, you have nothing at all Yattamori?" Toshiro asks the Yattamori next to him.
She bitter-sweetly grins.
"No. And at the moment, since she's Yattamori, please call me Madison or Shecker, I don't care which." she says.
Toshiro expression turns to concern.
"Madi-" he starts to say.
"Hahahahaha!" the bijuu laughs above them, "Isn't this great! The great and powerful Captain Yattamori is now two. How hilarious!"
"Put them back together, right now!" Toshiro yells,
"Nope, can't do that. Now that they are separated, the true game begins." the bijuu answers.
"Game?" Toshiro says.
"Yes. You see, there's an evil entity that lives in Captain Yattamori. When I separated her into her two selves, that evil entity stayed with one of them." the Bijuu explains, causing both Yattamoris to become wide eyed.
Toshiro turns white as he thinks of the dark Yattamori that attacked Kenta, then Alonsa, and almost himself.
"Now, in fours days time, that evil entity will take over the Yattamori she entered and kill all in sight. So, the two must duel, then the one with the entity must be killed." the Bijuu continues.
"What?! That's crazy! I could never kill either of them!" Toshiro yells.
"Hahahaha! Are you death? Don't you get it? Once the entity takes complete control of one of them, she will engulf them and that girl will cease to exist. In truth, One of the Yattamori's will transform into her, Devena!" the Bijuu laughs, "Devena will become that girl, and will, literally become the closet thing to the devil you've ever seen! So unless you kill the correct one, you will pretty much intrust the doom of the world."
Both of the Yattmoris become ash white, and Shecker faints, falling into Yattamori.
"Shecker!" Yattamori yells as she looks over her.
"Hehehehe, well, love to chat, but I've gotta jet, see ya." the Bijuu says before vanishing, leaving the group stunned.
Toshiro stands there with his head hung, lost and confused.
"Toshiro..." Yattamori says.
He turns to look at her.
"So...pretty about four days...either Shecker or I will be killed...and if the wrong one is chosen, then the world will be destroyed. Who is Devena? Is she really that powerful!?" Yattamori says as tears begins to stream down her face.
Toshiro's eyes widen, then he looks concerned as he kneels next to Yattamori and Shecker, who's just waking up.
"Yattamori, Shecker, I promise, neither of you will die and that I'll find someway to return you to one person. Believe me." Toshiro says as he puts a hand on Yattamori's shoulder and the other on Shecker's.
The two stare at him for a minute, then as tears begin to fill their eyes, they both fall into Toshiro's chest, crying their eyes out. Toshiro stares at them for a minute, before he puts his arms around both of them, and allows them to cry, for they deserve it, cause they all know, that he lied.
One of them will die, and both of them want to live.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Poll is in and who should be a soul reaper...? BOTH! Thx 2 those who voted, new poll out now!
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